Welcome 2010

We're 5 days into the new year and the new decade.  New year's resolutions aren't an effective way of making sustainable change.  So how about trying this approach instead.

One of my strengths is a love of learning - what is described in the Strengthscope (TM) model as self-improvement - "you draw on a wide range of people and resources in the pursuit of self-development and learning."  I always plan for and invest in some personal or professional development every year.  As well as maintaining my CPD (continuous professional development) which is a requirement of ICF accreditation, I love discovering new ideas as well as meeting new and interesting people - and reconnecting with familiar faces.  it also keeps my practice fresh.

Over the last 18 months I have particularly enjoyed 3 opportunities to see and work with Nancy Kline, author of Time to Think - thinking to ignite the human mind.  I first read Nancy's book some years ago then participated in a teleseminar series she did for the ICF.  I heard Nancy speak at Alternatives in November 2008.  She made such an impression on me that I decided then that I'd like to do some further training with her and learn more about her powerful Time to Think model.  In November  2009 I spent 2 days with Nancy learning about the Thinking Environment.  Working with Nancy has been a real inspiration and I will do more training with her in 2010.

Nancy has just published her second book 'More Time to Think'.

To quote from the back cover, 'Nancy will take you into the heart of the Thinking Environment as it has unfolded over these ten years since the publication of Time to Think.  It will touch you with the stories, challenge you with theory, inspire you with results, stretch you with questions, excite you with practice.  And it will move you with its eloquence and warmth.

This book is both a good place to start and a superb place to continue your understanding of this important theory and process.  Time to Think and More Time to Think walk hand in hand.

If you long for leadership you trust, meetings you love, relationships you cherish, community you know can work for everyone, or the life you really want, More Time to Think can lead you there.' 

How can anyone resist such a challenge?



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