Home Blog HR How I see HR - Nick Jenkins, Moonpig
How I see HR - Nick Jenkins, Moonpig

"We see hiring and retaining people - and HR strategy - as being as fundamental to the business as breathing is to people", says Nick Jenkins, founder and chief executive of Moonpig, the internet greetings card company.  

Perhaps this is easier to achieve in a small organisation than it is in a big one.

A small company of 78 people, Nick says what many business owners feel about the requirements of employment law.  "You have to enter into this very legalistic process, which changes the tone" which leads to "unnecessary tension and upset". 

What he wants from HR is:

  • to understand what sort of people we need
  • to be part of the culture, not just a function
  • not to allow employment law to take over.

Seems very reasonable to me...


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