Home Blog Coaching To coach or not to coach
To coach or not to coach

The Centre for High Performance Development had identified 5 clear benefits for giving the right people coaching.

And now is a good time to do it because during a recession coaching 'sustains leaders, teams and organisations through times of unpredictable change.  Well targeted coaching will ensure your business survives and thrives as the upturn approaches.  When the going gets tough, the tough get coaching!'

The benefits are:

  • giving people time and space to think clearly and strategically
  • focusing activity by creating a feeling of control
  • enhancing capability by learning new skills and behaviours in a supportive environment
  • promoting wellbeing by reducing stress
  • motivating people through enhanced teamwork and working relationships.

They say that the return on coaching is 'repeatedly, and conservatively, estimated as around five times the investment made.'  Well worth the investment then!


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