Home Blog Talent Management Talent management - what it is and why it is important
Talent management - what it is and why it is important

We all know the clichés - 'people are your greatest asset' and 'people provide your competitive advantage'. But the reality is that now, more than ever, employing people with the right skills, attitudes and behaviours makes a huge difference to business success.

Talent management enables organisations to attract and retain the right people to deliver superior performance.

What is talent? Haven't we all got it? The simple answer is yes. We all have strengths - those things that we are good at and which energise us, but the things you are good at are not necessarily those that the organisation you work for needs in business critical roles. So talent management is about identifying what attiributes bring about success in your business and using that information as a basis to build future capability.

You can read the rest of this article here. It was first published in Executive Secretary magazine in May 2011.


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