
Change Management 

There are many reasons why business leaders want to change what or how their organisation does what it does.  For example to:

  • bring in a new IT system
  • stay ahead of the competition
  • provide new products or services
  • provide services in a different way such as in partnership with another business

How easy is it to change our behaviour?

Well, try this out....

Fold your arms as you normally do ... is your right or left arm on top?

Now change them so that the other arm is on top.  How does that feel?

And if asked to fold them again what would you do?  My guess is that you would return to your normal preference.

Change takes time, focus and energy.  It is so comfortable to stay in our comfort zone and do what we have always done.  That's why we get the same outcome we have always got.

So in order to implement change in organisations effectively we need to:

  • explain why things need to change through good leadership
  • make it clear what impact the change will have to each and every individual affected, and
  • provide encouragement and reinforcement to implement it.

This might include support and training or changing the way an organisation rewards people.  It is also critical for those people leading the change to provide role models for the new behaviours - action speaks louder than words!

Many people working in organisations can tell you about times when the senior managers identify new organisational values or behaviours that they want everyone to demonstrate, yet do not do so themselves.

Links: www.change-management-toolbook.com

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