Jackie Orme - a welcome new perspective

I listened to the CIPD’s latest podcast of an interview with Jackie Orme, their recently appointed Chief Executive.

I listened to the CIPD’s latest podcast of an interview with Jackie Orme , their recently appointed Chief Executive.

It was a pleasant surprise to hear what she had to say about the Institute and about the profession. What I found refreshing was that there was no rhetoric – just a personal view, based on her own views and experience of working in the profession.

She underlined HR’s contribution to business performance and said people should be attracted to work in HR because it is about driving excellence, building capability, making organisations exceptional and making individuals exceptional, rather than the lame ‘because I like working with people’.

The 23 September issue of Personnel Today reports that it was a good week for her, as her opening keynote address at the CIPD’s annual conference in Harrogate last week drew mainly a positive response. For example, Amanda Newman, HR Director for Gloucestershire Constabulary says ‘She brings a fresh perspective. She was focusing on the positives rather than making excuses’.

In her address, Jackie commented about the need to be honest with employees about job security. Jackie said ‘Ultimately, what HR people should have is a good position of trust, both with the employees and the senior leadership team. They can then use that position of trust (to tell) whatever the truth is’. I wholeheartedly agree.

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