Home Blog Talent Management Know Your Strengths
Know Your Strengths

Want to start the year as you mean to go on? Then focus more of your time on your strengths. You will enjoy what you do and be more productive. 

Your strengths could be:

Talents - natural abilities that you have got e.g. getting on well with people

Skills - things you have learned to do well e.g. communicating effectively

Knowledge - information you have learned e.g. product or client information.

Find ways to demonstrate to others what your strengths are, for example:

  • Find the team that allows you to perform your team role most effectively.

  • Negotiate with a work colleague to take on that task that you don’t enjoy and that you have noticed they are good at. Maybe you could swap.

  • Stop doing those things you’re not good at or which bore you. And see how long it is before anyone notices (if they do….)

  • Talk enthusiastically about things you do well and what you have accomplished – but remember there’s a fine line between highlighting your accomplishments and boring people rigid.

  • In team meetings, volunteer for tasks you do well.

  • Find out if any other teams have a skills gap which fit with your strengths and offer your services as a development activit

You spend a lot of time at work – make the most of them!


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