
HR Professional Excellence 

Putting the human in Human Resources

Can you say this about HR in your organisation?

  • HR really understands the business we are in
  • HR really understands what our business requires of our people
  • HR provides solutions to resolve the business issues we face
  • HR works with me to deliver the changes necessary to meet my business needs
  • HR are helping me to secure and develop the talent I need to address my business challenges.

If not, here’s how PurpleLine Consulting can help:

We work with you and your HR team to define the role of HR in your organisation and to implement changes to deliver it.  These include:

  • Defining a model of HR service delivery which works for you
  • Clarifying what that means in practice for managers, HR & employees
  • Defining roles within HR, starting with the HR leadership, to deliver the HR model
  • Communicating this within HR and the organisation
  • Identifying the competencies and behaviours that the ‘new HR’ needs to demonstrate
  • Identifying ways and means of adopting the new competencies and behaviour
  • Working with you and your team to implement the changes and embed the new behaviour.

Links to some views on HR:
How to do HR right
HR with 'oomph' is really about honest reflection

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